Saturday, December 5, 2020

Residents in Nature

 I often run into residents while out and about in Vernon. Here is a sample of a few gracious residents who allowed me to capture them, or shared with me their own pictures of them enjoying outdoor activities in town. I hope to continue this project as it highlights how we embrace the natural offerings in town.  So if I see you on the snowy trail this winter, I would appreciate your smile for Nature Finds - Norma Manning

Ana collecting oak leaves to place around her blueberry bushes. This is her only soil amendment for her berries. 

She was removing a spreading juniper shrub and found this Garter snake just as I walked by. She placed it off to the side after posing for a picture. I'm sorry that I didn't get her name as she was very impressive with landscaping tools and the snake.

Ian, "Everyday is Greenup day for me." While we were chatting, Ian dug up a soda can and dropped it into his bag.

Vaughn and Alex ride down to Lily Pond at sunset. 

Paul photographing birds- picture by Mary Miller

Mary capturing the river valley- Picture by Paul Miller 

Seth with his 172lb, 7 point buck harvested on November 22. He wouldn't tell me where in Vernon he had harvested it; but his daughter did...

Joshua finishing up a five mile run to the Vernon Historical Society's museum. He used to run marathons and is trying to get back into it.

Jessica, Elliana, Silvia, Marcella and furry friend Charlotte were out for a walk on a mild November afternoon

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