Sunday, May 24, 2020

Blue Mustard Alert by John Anderson

This past spring a Dummerston Conservation member found Blue Mustard, a plant with a very disturbing invasive potential, growing in a Dummerston cornfield.  This species is native to Southeast Europe - Bulgaria, Yugoslavia etc.  It is also common and quite invasive in southwestern United States.  It has never before been found in Vermont. Perhaps not even in New England!

The Scientific name for this species is Chorispora tenella. It starts to flower in early may (at the same time that garlic mustard starts flowering.)

Almost 1500 stems were pulled in an attempt to eradicate this invader.  The status of this species in Vermont is now uncertain. Next spring a follow-up search is planned.  But as Blue Mustard found it's way to Dummerston it is still a threat. The possibility that this mustard may have arrived here as a contaminant in seed corn makes alertness especially important.  Vermont doesn't need yet another alien invasive. - John Anderson

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