Sunday, June 28, 2020

When the Eastern Mountain Laurel Blooms; be Sure Not to Miss it.

I was given an incredible gift from from someone who is composed of such generous spirit that they were able to look beyond their own life circumstance and offer me such a kindness that I have difficulty expressing the depth of my gratitude. 

You see,  I had been wondering if my spending time writing wasn't a very unimportant thing when the world had exploded all around me with broad strokes of  physical suffering, strife and other pressing issues. I have shared as much in conversations with my adult children who are all very active in one way or another preserving what is good and working for change where it is not so good.  I was having a difficult time with my guilt over using writing as a way to escape and even celebrate Vernon's small things instead of working on projects that mattered. I was considering throwing in the proverbial towel because it all felt so foolish in comparison. Then I got an email.

"I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your nature blog. Due to **** I can't get out for walks as I used to...I enjoy reading it and seeing the different photos you take." 

And there it was, one moment of their time used to express appreciation and it felt like a soaking rain after a dry spring. The Eastern Mountain Laurels are finally blooming in the town forest, how nice it is when that happens and I am so grateful to be able to share it with you. 

 Norma Manning


  1. Lovely post with a lovely back story, Norma. Glorious pics

  2. Lovely post with a lovely back story, Norma. Glorious pics, too.
